Scanpole on Kokonaisturvallisuus 2024 -messuilla Joensuu Areenassa perjantaina ja lauantaina 4.-5.10.2024.
Tapahtuma esittelee Suomen kokonaisturvallisuuden varautumisen mallia ja edistää viranomaisten, elinkeinoelämän, järjestöjen ja kansalaisten yhteistoimintaa elintärkeiden toimintojen turvaamisessa. Messuilla on mukana paikallisten yritysten ja yhdistysten lisäksi mm. puolustusvoimat, rajavartiolaitos ja poliisi. Tapahtumaan on vapaa pääsy.
Lisätietoa messuista:
Scanpole is participating Kokonaisturvallisuus 2024 fair at Joensuu Areena on Friday and Saturday 4.-5.10.2024. As a leading producer of wooden poles in Europe we want to ensure that people have access to quality materials for their critical infrastructures.
More information about the fair:
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22 hours ago
Mark Podmore works at our Newport factory in South Wales. As a pole fabrictor his task is to prepare raw poles for impregnation. This includes several work phases, such as moving the poles, modifying them to the correct dimensions and making various markings.
"In my work, it is important to know how to use tools and maintain them. However, occupational safety and compliance with safety regulations are always top priorities," says Mark about his work.
Mark is a native of Newport and has also worked at the Scanpole factory as a forklift driver. Previously, he worked at a local brewery.
Podmore says he likes his job. My colleagues are nice and even though the weather conditions sometimes vary greatly, working outdoors is nice once you get used to it.
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3 days ago